Friday, May 25, 2012

May, 2012 -- UC-Riverside Crime Alerts

Several times a week I receive alerts from the UC Police Department. Just got this one:

To: UCR Community
Re: Suspicious Subject at HUB C-Store

On 5-22-12 at about 7:00pm, a subject entered the HUB C-store. C-Store staff saw as he walked to the register, he walked closely behind a female customer and had one hand in his pants pocket and appeared to be touching his groin area. 

On 5-24-12 at about 3:50pm the same subject entered the store and purchased an item. After leaving and standing outside, he had one hand in his pant pocket and appeared to be touching groin area. He was not looking at staff or anyone specific while doing this.

The subject has been in the store before; once yelling at staff when the line was too long and left the store, another time when he spat on the floor and another when he grabbed a bag of chips and threw it on the floor.